Friday 18 March 2011

Empty Promises, Fuzzy Opinions, Negative Vibes

Today, I decided to start my blog, as I've had enough of all the agencies, quangos and organisations out there that promise support and help for start-up-businesses.

Yesterday, I contacted the Association of Illustrators for recommended rates for illustrators, and I got an email back saying that they did not offer free advice to non-members! I looked at their website, and it was clear that they were an organisation for illustrators, well I am not an illustrator. I thought that by asking them this important question, AOI would be supporting their members by recommending to a start-up what their rates should be. Nope, I have to pay a fee to join their organisation and then they will tell me. As a not-for-profit they cannot just help non-members (well, I would argue that as a not-for-profit, they should help their members, and the fact they are short-funded is not my problem).

Business Link was another one I tried to avoid for as long as possible. I downloaded some pretty good factsheets yesterday, so my icy heart melted a bit. I was excited to come across a scheme they had running to support women entrepreneurs. Will they help me?

I got a call this morning, "Sorry that scheme is closed."
"But I read it on your website"
"We are in the process of updating that. Due to the government cuts, we have no grants or money to support start-up's."
"What can you do then?"
"I can email you some links and factsheets."
"Ok, fine. Thanks." I could hear her typing away, I was becoming another statistic, I wonder if they will record the phonecall as a positive outcome?

Ok. So other organisations I have contacted in the past week or two were, Elixir,, Incito, Finance South East. None of these have gone anywhere.

I have made a list of possible funding sources, ok, the word "list" sounds generous. There are 6 names on the list.

I was watching a Dispatches programme last night about how CEO's of public sector private companies were being paid millions. I feel irritated today with all these organisations that say they support, mentor or help start-up businesses, but then when you contact them, want to charge you £99 to attend business planning workshops, or with the FinanceSouthEast, that is SUPPORTED BY THE GOVERNMENT, charge £950+VAT to get full feedback on your business plan.

There is something weird about all these organisations that are funded by the Government, they have staff and yet when I contact them they charge for all services beyond a half hour phonecall! They want to charge start-up businesspeople who are still working their day job and dreaming of success!

I am feeling the scam, is there anyone else out there on this same journey?